....well Im assuming nice guys come before Serial Killers, if not then I can only think the female demographic are simply put, mental!
I feel like asking the questions rather than answering them this week. The old cliche about nice guys finishing last will forever be a hackneyed phrase because 8 times out of 10 it's true. There's a future desire for the nice guy but a current need for the not so nice guy instilled in many the mind of a female. Some, not all claim the nice guy lacks the "X Factor"...what does the X stand for?
Who knows! but the not so great guys are definitely getting the long end of the stick. Im yet to know where this social "commandment" truly stems from seeing as the population of girls who choose the not so nice guys is vast let alone the female population full stop. So Ladies and Gents I ask you, do females prefer the Eric Benets, the Chris Browns or the Jeremy Kyle/Maury characters of this world or is there just a short supply of nice guys?
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Monday, April 6, 2009
Nice Guys Finish Second To Last
"It's nice to be important but more important to be nice"
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6:21 PM
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101 proyectos matemáticos6 months ago
tuotierugif12 years ago
Growing Older, Growing Wiser12 years ago
<3 lyrics15 years ago
4 comments so far....:
I dont think its the nice guys that finish last, its the "too nice" guys that do. No girl wants a guy that is a pushover and is too much, they have to feel like they are being protected by someone with masculine traits.
It boils down to influence, adaptation and accomodation. Seeing as some or most of the girls we may know grow up around "bad guys" who are somewhat praised and heralded for their behaviour, it is almost instinct for them to attach themselves to the guys.
E.G The bad boys at school were always the top guys in school
As humans we must adapt to our environment and we find that most or some girls adapt to the idea that the nice guys finish second to last. So they go on to take the not so nice guys and accomodate the behaviour that comes with them.
Its about swagger.
Girls are not attracted to desperation. Girls are attracted to guys who are to some extent attracted to themselves!
Saying that all girls or even most girls purposely set out to attract heart-breaking bad boys is a MISCONCEPTION!! alot of the time, the nice guys will either:
a. not be physically appealing
b. have no confidence
c. Take everything way too serious, like were bout to get married
girls have no time for this type of carry on.
'bad boys' alot of the time handle themselves with a certain air of 'whatever the weather' and this is appealing. No girl sets out to be hurt by anyone, but you can't help who you end up falling for.
Its about swagger.
Girls are not attracted to desperation. Girls are attracted to guys who are to some extent attracted to themselves!
Saying that all girls or even most girls purposely set out to attract heart-breaking bad boys is a MISCONCEPTION!! alot of the time, the nice guys will either:
a. not be physically appealing
b. have no confidence
c. Take everything way too serious, like were bout to get married
girls have no time for this type of carry on.
'bad boys' alot of the time handle themselves with a certain air of 'whatever the weather' and this is appealing. No girl sets out to be hurt by anyone, but you can't help who you end up falling for.
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