The world is a plethora of conflicting thoughts and theories but what remains constant is facts and figures. Its a fact that we will die and we are constantly haunted by those factual figures...taxes. On the other hand it's an unsanctioned fact that we must figure out how to figure ourselves as figures in this over-crowded world...make sense? What I'm tryna say in small words is Don't Be A Statistic.
It's the afternoon and you havent left the sofa or bed, instead you're watching re-runs of sitcoms and daytime talk shows knowing fully well that the dude aint the father. Its a break from the world, true, except that you've had this break for too long, every day! You sit and eat all day with no care in the world, no job, no hope, no life, nothing. Don't Be A Statistic!
You see her, she sees you, wait for the eye contact then study it for that split second before you make your move; remember girls get approached all the time by all types so don't automatically assume she's gonna approve of you just because you're wearing a top a size smaller to magnify the arms and you starched your jeans or you're wearing fresh footwear. You gotta be unique with it or you'll receive "The gulp". Don't Be A Statistic!There's a pointless war going on between areas or "ends". You're stuck in a world where postcodes determine your survival. Just to gain approval, status and money you choose gangs, guns and knives not realising that this postcode you're fighting for belongs to your bloody borough and the government are laughing at you. You're ready to throw it all away for a letter and a number and either end up in jail or dead. Don't Be A Statistic!
You're horny, waaay to horny, you and your partner just get down to it with no protection, you somehow "forget" the morning after pill or fail to realise that 99% means just that....99%. You're now pregnant and "spoilt for choice", from when you think you have to make a decision then you have a problem. Lose A life or Lose A Life? Sad story. Don't Be A Statistic!
We are all encouraged to go for our dreams and never give up but at the same time we must make sense of reality and realise that not everyone can be an MC or a Model. You're beautiful, photogenic, sexy and watch ANTM that doesnt mean you're a model, have options. You can rhyme, turn the definiton of a word into an aggressive noun and cover microphones with saliva, yes you're an MC but so is everybody else, persue your dream but have something to fall back on. Don't Be A Statistic!You are the father, handle it, deal with it. You wanted that 30 minutes (or considerably less) of pleasure knowing the consequences. Embrace your child and teach them everything you know and everything you didnt know. Be proud of what you produced and dont neglect the core of what you created. Take responsibility. Don't Be A Statistic!
Pick the right one dont pick the right "sum"! Just because the dude has money dont mean he's the best candidate, doesnt mean he isn't either but base your reasons on more than just figures, look for the facts too. Weigh up all the elements or you'll be digging for gold and end up breathing nicely from all the air (oxygen) he's giving you. Money makes the world go round but True Love makes it stand still. Don't Be A Statistic!
The world is your oyster and you can use it however you wish but take time to realise what's right and what's wrong and then use it to help yourself and others. Above all Don't Be A Damn Statistic!
Simple Quote That I Live By
About Me

- Broadband
- Remember that dude who was the most popular guy in school, the captain of most sports teams, the chick magnet, the one who always got out of trouble and was the class clown? Yeah erm..that wasnt me. I stand by my pen and my thoughts.
- A Blogger's Blog (35)
- Absolute Randomness (25)
- Music Video (21)
- My Wider Perspective (17)
- Neo-Soul (6)
- Pbleepd Stuff (7)
- Poetry (6)
- Quote of the Month (10)
- Script (31)
- Thought Of The Day (10)
- Throwback (12)
Leave A Message
Missing Wife

iWrite - Poetry

What Is Pbleepd COMING AUGUST 2009!
Music On Rotation

Blog Archive
- Don't Be A Statistic (Thought Of The Day)
- Friday Means Throwback!
- Music Video Premier: Jamie Foxx - Blame It On The ...
- North London Stand Up!
- Scriptwriter Chronicles: MEN ON THE ROAD (Part 23)
- Scriptwriter Chronicles: MEN ON THE ROAD (Part 22)
- Scriptwriter Chronicles: MEN ON THE ROAD (Part 24)
- Scriptwriter Chronicles: MEN ON THE ROAD (Part 21)
- Scriptwriter Chronicles: MEN ON THE ROAD (Part 20)
- Day 'n' Nite
- Friday Means Throwback!
- Colour Blind (Thought Of The Day)
- Quick Question
- Update!
- Friday Means Throwback!
- A Valentine's Compilation
- J Dilla - Greatest Producer
- Mish-Mash #3
- The Demise of Candy...?
- Friday Means Throwback!
- Should I Pay Seven Pounds To watch Seven Pounds?
- The "Break" Up (Thought Of The Day)
- "Sometimes I Feel I Gotta Getaway"
- Son Of A F****** Orange!
- Snowed In!!!
- Quote of the Month
- Scriptwriter Chronicles: MEN ON THE ROAD (Part 19)
- Scriptwriter Chronicles: MEN ON THE ROAD (Part 18)
Friday, February 27, 2009
Don't Be A Statistic (Thought Of The Day)
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11:28 AM
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Labels: Thought Of The Day
Friday Means Throwback!
Every decade you'll hear the same words from a different generation "they just dont make music like that no more". The music you grow up listening to cannot be compared to the music you listen to now because there's no nostalgia to modern music, Im starting to realise that times must move on but damn!! The 90's was just too big of a decade when it comes to music; elders and youngers can say what they want but that decade right there is untouchable, it started soul, new jack swing, neo-soul, new age conscious hip-hop the whole nine yards!! This track was part of my 90's compilation mixed CD that I made a few years back and I still bump it to this day. A Tribe Called Quest are Hip-Hop Legends and when you blend their flow with the soft but powerful voice of Faith Evans you get that this track below. Sigh....they just dont make music like that no more.
"Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent"
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10:50 AM
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Labels: Music Video, Throwback
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Music Video Premier: Jamie Foxx - Blame It On The Alcohol
Finally after a few months of me hyping this song, the video is finally out. Jamie pretty much put everyone he could find in the damn video from the oscar winners, to the entertainment moguls to that random dude that hangs around the set looking for his big break. Lets just hope this dont get overplayed causing me to hate it, who am I kidding thats exactly whats gonna happen but who cares? The song is fire!!!!
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11:32 AM
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Labels: Music Video
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
North London Stand Up!
There's always a period in modern music where the geographical aspect plays a major part in a genre. If we look a few years back Hip-Hop was dominated by the influence of New York rappers and lifestyle in the states (LL, Jay-Z, Big L, Nas, Busta Rhymes, Wu-Tang etc) while R'n'B had Atlanta crooners and songstresses lighting up the charts. In the UK, South and East London bred the more popular faces of UK Garage and later on Grime (Heartless Crew, So Solid, Wiley, Kano, Lethal B etc). Now we fast forward to the latter stages of the "noughties" decade and the southern influence is more than apparent in Hip-Hop stateside but UK Hip-Hop and Grime is more spread out. However it seems from recent exposure that North London is breeding a new force of talent AND artistry.
Now Im not gonna pretend that Im the biggest fan of Grime/UK Hip-Hop but I appreciate talent when I see it and over the past year or so I've seen alot of progress in both genres especially from the North side of London. In my opinion North has the best UK rapper in Sway, fair do's he hasn't reached his peak just yet but thats even more testiment to his talent and he has a flow not emulated anywhere in the UK. There's been a lot of talk about him retiring early but fingers crossed Akon can make a bigger star out of him because the potential is there.
Chipmunk is doing alot in the scene right now and after winning best newcomer at the Mobos Im hoping he can push on; Im biased when it comes to him mainly because he went to the school of my sixth-form and is part of my cousin's music label but at 18 he's definitely gonna be on top when he reaches his lyrical peak. Wretch 32 is another beast and deserves big props. Lyrically he's nearly untouchable in London and you can see his influences have given his delivery a much needed boost. His last mixtape was dope, get to know.
Scorcher, Northstar, G, Marvell, Ram and a host of others along with the R'n'B influences of the likes of Lemar, Ny and Keisha White are beginning to push North London to the forefront of the underground/mainstream music scene. Now I know other Londoners will have something to say about it (especially East) but Im gonna go ahead and be biased/controversial and say North London may not have the most amount of musically talented artists in the capital but they have the best.....Hmm then again East are doing alot too. Ok I'll get back to you on that statement.
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8:41 PM
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Labels: A Blogger's Blog, Music Video, My Wider Perspective
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Scriptwriter Chronicles: MEN ON THE ROAD (Part 23)
Part 23 - Big Talk
Cameron, Joshua and Evelyn are eating dinner in David's kitchen. Evelyn and Josh are enjoying while Cameron's thoughts seem occupied...
This is nice
Im glad you're enjoying it Josh, what about you Cameron?
Yeah its cool thanks
Whats wrong?
Nothing, nothing
Ok sorry Evelyn gets up to make another drink
Nah its just I feel bad for my dad...that he was involved in that nonsense
Well It was your fault!
What? whispers you heard? Josh nods dont say anything, I mean it Evelyn sits back at the table
Aww dont say that Joshua. Cameron couldnt have prevented it even if he wanted to be at the tournament with his father. Josh shakes his head I know this is a little weird to you boys but I like your father and I hope to see alot more of him silence Uhm so, how did he split up with your mother?
You're kinda nosy aint ya?
She ran off with another man, thats what dad said
What!?! I can say it, I dont like secrets Cameron squints his eye
Wow Im so sorry
Its ok. Maybe you might be what we need
Oh God
We havent seen her for 3 years, and I hate her for leaving us the room is silent as they continue eating until Evelyn stops
Yep I'm gonna tell them; Johsua you've inspired me today, you really have
Tell who what?
There's been an act of adultery across the road and everyone needs to know for the sake of my sanity
Across the road, Jane and Natalie are situated upstairs..
This is a nuthouse, I dont know what I've gotten myself into
I gets worse Jane and we need to think of something quick
Youre scaring me, what is it?
Kim's boyfriend is Sebastian
Yes Jane begins to cry Wait Wait Wait! She just told me his name, there isnt a guarantee that it's him
Oh come on Natalie, how many Sebastians are there out there?
There's the crab from the little mermaid and...Jane looks at her No?
No Natalie. Oh My God and they're all coming here!?! I've gotta call Julian, I've gotta call Sebastian. s*** sh** shi*!!!
Get a hold of yourself, all is not lost. First off we need to find out if its the same Sebastian then we can act on it. Just remember my ass is on the line also
Yeah you're right, Sebastian loves me, it couldnt be the same one
What about Evelyn
What about her?
Dont pretend you didnt think she was defending me earlier, as if she knows
Jane, Evelyn is as drunk as Michelle, do you think she'd really defend what you've been up to?
Meanwhile downstairs.....
You alright dear?
Not at all, my boyfriend text me saying he wanted to talk, it just threw me off for a moment, I was gonna make a call but..
Ah yes your boyfriend, tell me about him
Ah, nah I'd rather not
It's Sebastian right?
You know him?
You could say that
This is bugging me. We've been together nearly a year and not once has he mentioned you guys or any of your boyfriends stroke husbands
How do you know he knows all of us?
Uhm... Jane and Nat come walking down the stairs
Hi girls
Kim was just telling me about her boyfriend, you'll never guess his name
Exactly so..
It's Sebastian Jane drops her glass of wine
Excuse me
So you know him Natalie?
Well I, Well I...kinda
Michelle can I talk with you for a moment please? Michelle and Jane step into the kitchen What are you doing?
Watching Natalie squirm, its fun
Are you crazy? thats supposed to be your friend, you think she knew Sebastian was seeing someone?
Hm, thats funny
You dont seem too surprised by it. Does Evelyn have a point about disloyalty? Was she refering to you and Natalie? I always wondered what that whole French conversation was really about..
PART 24 (The penultimate part) Next....
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8:34 PM
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Scriptwriter Chronicles: MEN ON THE ROAD (Part 22)
Part 22 - There's A Message In Every Message
Julian and Gerald are in the car discussing Julian's relationship, Sebastian looks on uncomfortably.
I was an idiot for taking the ring off in the first place
I agree
It was only out of frustration, I love that woman
I agree
When I get home I'm gonna make things right so you two will have to bare with me because I have to sort out things before I drop you two
I agr... Julain interrupts
Gerald either step up your vocab or shut up Sebastian twiddles his thumbs, knowing he's in a very tight but explosive situation; he sends a text "We need to talk" to Jane, Kim and Nadine.
In David's car, Nadine receives the text but Ritchie intercepts and reads it
Wow, doesnt look good for Cameron does it?
Give me the phone!! she takes the phone What do you mean by that?
What does he mean by that? points at phone
Its a text! You send and receive messages, it's called technology you twat, it means what it says.
Why so aggressive? You're acting like I caught you out or something
I dont know what's going on here but calm down you two, peaceful journey home please
Caught me out in what sense Ritchie?
Do I have to spell it out?
No you dont. Sebastian sent me a text so what? 1. Its none of your business 2. Last time I checked it was my business 3. I'd appreciate if you stayed out of my business
Ok Nadine breathe
What's wrong Ritchie? You jealous? upset that I havent given you any attention all day but one text alert and my focus turns to Seb? Get over yourself, you're pathetic. Ritchie stays quiet
Back in Julian's car, Gerald is looking at the text Jane sent to Julian earlier
Hmm, alot can be said from a text, then again alot cant be said. So many factors come into it like the tine of the text, the font, the size, the abbreviations, it's fascinating stuff really Julian just stares at him Erm you best keep your eyes on the road
Im still not sure why exactly I ask for your opinion anymore. I asked for an opinion not an analysis, moron.
Oh well then yeah she definitely misses you and forgives you
It's just the "more" part at the end of the sentence Sebastian begins to register the text in his head and realises the message may have been for him, he stays quiet Is it sarcasm? Did she not finish the sentence?
Dont read too much into it
I thought you said reading was good?
Since when do you listen to anything I say? Sebastian receives a text from Nadine. It reads "there'll be plenty to 'talk' about when we get back, trust me" Just get home and sort it out. Julian's car goes over a hard surface and the car bumps causing Sebastain's phone to drop on the floor.
Sorry fellas, rocky road Gerald picks up the phone and catches a glimpse of the message and the sender as he give sit back to Sebastian
Is that right?
Just thinking out loud
Loyalty. Julian seems to be catching onto it, are you?
Im gettin asked alot of silly questions today
Oh so you would prefer serious questions?
Haha no I would like logical questions
Ok then, are you ready?
I'm playing Gerald, lets just relax
No this will actually entertain my journey, fire away Gerald
Sebastian looks at Julian in fear and then at Gerald who has a wry smile on his face...
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8:34 PM
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Labels: Script
Scriptwriter Chronicles: MEN ON THE ROAD (Part 24)
Part 24 - Confessions
Cameron and Josh sit at the kitchen table talking quietly while Evelyn does the dishes...
What exactly did you hear?
Everything and if my dad was hurt in any way I'll hate you
He's not hurt, and keep your voice down
Why did you do that, I thought you stopped being bad
I was helping a friend, you wouldnt understand little man
Right boys after these dishes I'll be back, i'll be going to Jane's to bury some demons
In Julian's car....
Im jumping in head first, are you being loyal to Kim?
What kinda question is that?
Julian & Gerald
Answer it!
Alright! Yes, yes I am
At Jane's house..
I know him through Gerald and Julian
Oh and has he ever metioned me to you?
Wait, is it even the same one? What does he look like?
"Tall" "dark" "handsome", medium build sometimes wears glasses, tattoo of daffy duck on his left arm
Yep thats him
In David's Car...
Ok I've been silent for too long I dont appreciate the disrespect you've given me today
Take it or leave it, thats just my reaction to people who are in my business
No it's your reaction when you have something to hide
I dont have anything to hide
A few hundred metres in front....
Bollocks, I have visual and digital proof that says you're lying
You can stick that proof up your ass mate, I'm telling you I've been faithful, however I am looking to break up with her
Why's that?
Because he cheated on her
Sebastian & Julian
Back at David's house...
Oh No Cameron shakes his head as he comes off the phone
What's wrong?
My friends got arrested, shit!!
Across the road...
Well sorry to say but your beloved friend cheated on me and my sister is about to tell me who with, in fact I might call her now
Yep she's in the car with your friend, I put her up to it Jane and Natalie look at each other
Oh Oh
Across the road once more evelyn is about to leave david's when her phone rings
Hi David, yeah I just made then dinner. How long are you gonna be?....30 minutes? ok, I'm just going across to the girls....I said Im just goi...whats that noise in the back?
In David's Car....
Nadine I can sense it, you've been sleeping with Sebastian havent you
Please people Im on the phone
No I didnt!!
I'll call you back Evelyn these two are acting a fool
In Julian's car...
Im not one to lie for nothing so lets just bring things out in the open. I saw your text message and I saw what you did. I put two and two together. Sebastian's heart skips a beat
I've had enough of this
Seb take it like a man
Exactly, I know, and Julian deserves to know, do you want me to spell it out? ok fine!...
Back in Jane's house....
You know what I'm a little ill, I think everyone should leave
I'm sorry but I'm not leaving til I get my answer from Nadine. Jane and Natalie look at each other again Why do you two keep looking at ecah other? I sthere something you aren't telling me?
No...course not, it's just time to leave
I can read your eyes Jane, you're lying to me!!
Just under half an hour down the motorway....
Yes you are. you're sleepign with Sebastian, it all makes perfect sense!
Sebastian? wow thats abit far-fetched then again I dont know you guys so
Im not sleeping with Sebastian, someone else is
Thats where I've seen his face before, this morning at Julian's house, he's come to see Jane a couple times after Julian's gone to work in the mornign actually oh my god!! Sebastian's sleeping with Jane!
At Jane' house, Evelyn burst through...
I cant take it anymore, I've held it in since this morning but no more, Jane you and Julian should not be in a relationship that is based on adultery
Evelyn dont
No Natalie shut up, you can still build with Sebastian but Jane cant...
Oh Oh
You're the one sleeping with him? Kim has venom in her eyes
I am
In Julian's car Sebastian and Gerald speak at the same time with contrasting results
Sebastian is sleeping with Nadine
Im sleeping with Jane
Gerald and Julian
Julian lets go of the wheel; as he looks back at Sebastian, the car swerves into a hard shoulder and flips over tumbling three times. It lays in the middle of the motorway.
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8:34 PM
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Labels: Script
Scriptwriter Chronicles: MEN ON THE ROAD (Part 21)
Part 21 - Missing Pieces Pt 2
The four women refelct on the day's evets in Jane's living room with young Joshua while Kim and Cameron are in the kitchen...
This is a sign you know
Yes. Life is too short for arguments. For all you know, I mean I dont know the details but Julian could of been shot and killed and then what?
True, but he made his decision and when he put his ring on the table
I agree, loyalty is a strong factor here
Thats funny coming from you Nat
What's that supposed to mean?
It means nothing, I just like to point fingers every now and again
Michelle's clearly drunk but disloyalty is clearly showing its true colours here at the moment
Jane (stutters)
Im..uh...uhm, I'm baffled
Just take time to think whether you want Julian back in your life ok? Jane and Natalie look at each other totally confused
You tryna say my brother's not good enough for her?
What I'm saying is...nevermind, Josh can you get your brother so we can eat dinner? Josh walks towards the kitchen
No No Josh stops you aren't going now, explain this disloyalty you're refering to
Jane & Nat
No No No
Josh please go and get...
In David's Car....
Oh wow, small world. How do you know my son?
just through a couple mutual friends, we did some erm, erm...
Yeah things like, business ventures Nadine relaxes
What kind of business ventures? Nadine unrelaxes
You know, uhm... Ritchie intervenes to save Nadine's blushes
You know Uni graduates nowadays Dave they dont like to offload business plans just in case you steal them and run off
I'm his dad, I wouldn't run very far Nadine's phone rings, she answers it as David and Ritchie continue talking
Hey Kim....I have to speak low 'cause Im in the car's 6 of us now........really?......What the hell are you doing there!?!........Oh My God!?!.....Natalie aswell?..........Whatever you do dont say anything to anyone there until I get back........just wait!.......Every woman in that house is coupled up with guys here except Natalie, I dont know who Evelyn is. Those guys messed up and got Julian..... Jane is his wife and you're in her house...Yes! I couldnt say anything, you've got me in a comprimising position you know. she pauses for a moment Kim you love me right?....and whatever I do you won't kill me right?...ok she pauses again I found out who Seb is cheating on you with Nadine looks up and sees Ricthie who is staring at her, she disconnects the line immediately
How much of that did you hear?
How much did you want me to hear?
How about none
Sorry to dissappoint you then, we'll just say I heard enough to make me question you and my friend's loyalty
I don't know what you're talking about David's phone rings, he answers
Hi son....yeah I'm fine, I was the hero...ish for once. Guess who I have in the car with me?.....Nadine! turns to Nadine It's Cameron Nadine fakes a smile yeah small world. He asked if your battery died Nadine shakes her head She said no.....ok i'll be home soon, take care of Evelyn....ok bye.
At Jane's house....
Well her battery's on so if you wanna find out call her
good Joshua walks in
Cameron, Evelyn says we should go and eat dinner
Cool, I'll call the idiots to lay low, call me when you found out who she is
I will
Part 22 Next....
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8:33 PM
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Scriptwriter Chronicles: MEN ON THE ROAD (Part 20)
Part 20 - Missing Pieces Pt. 1
It's the early evening and the six travellers are on their way back home on the mororway, Gerald and Sebastian are in Julian's car while Ritchie and Nadine are comfortably seated in David's car a few yards behind. Julian's car is silent and full of conflicting thoughts from all of it's members, they drive opposite the same petrol station where there was an altercation earlier which prompts conversation.
Jules what actually happened in the car? Julian takes a deep breath
I've gotta praise God for blessing me with the UK's dumbest criminals
What happened?
According to them it was a case of mistaken identity and they were after someone else. Someone who doesnt have a wife and kids..
So these dudes were actually after someone?
It appears so
You reckon it could be any of us?
Yeah because the rest of us dont have a wife or kids
Thanks Gerald I was bemused by that fact until you told me. Erm, I dunno, they seemed purposeful from the moment they were in the petrol station so there's every chance it could be one of us. Gerald and Sebastian look at each other
But who?
There lies the question mate Sebastian thinks to himself What you think Seb? Sebastian's startled
Huh? erm...probably Ritchie, you know he's had some crazy girls in his bed before, they probably got an older brother to come and do some damage
True but that's just too easy, they're crazy but I know Ritchie would be able to trace steps
So what you tryna say?'s one of us?
Honestly? I dunno, thinking about it's making my head hurt. The whole situation, this whole day has been..
At Jane's House....
Crazy! Cameron and Kim hold their heads in shock in Jane's kicthen
Oh....My....God. I cant believe this
I know. I f***** up, how did my dad get involved in this?
What I wanna know is how everybody here knows everyone else!!
All I know is that the woman I came with (Evelyn) is trying to get with my dad and she's close friends with all the other girls here. Some Sex and The City type s***
Yeah but I heard her mention names, who's Gerald? who's Julian? You reckon one of those was the guy they got by mistake?
Maybe, I, probably
Where are those guys now?
Ah crap, they went to the tournament to get the "job" done, I gotta tell them to scrap it
This is messed up, I gotta call my sister
What do you want to call..
Back in Julian's car...
What about her? Gerald turns back at Sebastian with a grin
Yeah what about her? Sebastian stares back baffled
Maybe Im reading too much into things
It's good to read, it builds intellect and imagination
Imagine shutting up Gerald, how about that?
There goes those quivering lips
Her personal statement or account whatever was too short for my liking, seemed strange to me; it's like she purposely made it short to defend something, someone
What like one of us?
No like the dudes with the guns. Like I said I read too much into things. I just wanna go home to my....
Back in Jane's kitchen...
So what about the others?
Everyone is coupled up except Nadine's tutor. I'm in the house of the wife and girlfriend of the guys you stupid ass friends got by mistake
So Sebastian knows everyone here?
Yes! and she knows who Seb is sleeping with but her phone just cut off when she was about to tell me. I need to get through to her
Thats good news right? Kim nods as she paces up and down I cant get over my dad being involved, I never knew or even saw the people in this house before today. I need to call my dad
Listen dont tell him nothing. If we can cut all ties pointing to us and Nadine confirms to me who this woman it is then it works out for the better
As Cameron prepares to call his father a draft of air comes through; the kitchen door is slightly open with Joshua on the other side who has been listening to the conversation all along....
PART 21 continues in simultaneous time...
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8:33 PM
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Labels: Script
Friday, February 20, 2009
Day 'n' Nite
Everyone always has those days, weeks or a similar period where a song is randomly in your head and you cant stop singing it whether it has significance to your life or its just catchy. Kid Cudi's Day 'n' Nite has been in my head non-stop for the last month, I heard the track last year and liked it but the UK club version kinda dented it's effects for me even though its a banger. The original version has been on rotation since the star of the year and I find myself belting out the tune at random moments including today at work when my manager was talking to me. No idea why, I just did it. Anywho while I was up writing at 2am I saw on WSHH that the video had been released so it was all good timing ay? I know everyone else has posted this vide in their blog but I dont ind joining the list, the tune is big. "Day 'N' Nite (bwah bwah)"!
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11:15 PM
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Labels: Music Video
Friday Means Throwback!
This week's gone mad quick! Im already pissed about going work this monday. Back to the title. Many a artist are slept on in the industry whether it be 'cause of record sales, their music wasnt mainstream enough or just because they dont acquire the superstar quality labels are looking for, I dunno. One guy that went about his business quietly during the 90's was Horace Brown, the dude had some serious tracks! I actually had a problem choosing which one I'd pick for today. I recently downloaded his album and reassured myself why the 90's will never be emulated for great R'n'B music. Everything was smooth, real and most importantly everyone could legitimately hold a note. (Who the hell signed Lumidee?....kill yourself). So without further a do, here's Horace Brown. Do you remember?
"Music is enough for a lifetime but a lifetime is not enough for music"
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3:34 PM
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Labels: Music Video, Throwback
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Colour Blind (Thought Of The Day)
We live in a multi-cultural world built on ethics, morals, love and ruling but we seem to be held back and seperated by this few thousand year old burden aptly named Racism. Racism is that nagging subconscious that creeps out through the mouths and thoughts of the ignorant and creates a dent in the perceptive integration of our society. Ironically, I'm not gonna dwell on the wider perspective and go into one about Slavery or the plight of certain races 1. because slavery is now used as an excuse rather than a statement 2. I've no time for Jesse Jacksonesque speeches, I have work to do. I'm just gonna have my little say and you can leave a comment afterwards.
The Story....
Now how this post actually came about was when I was on the train back home from work. A mediterranean olive-skinned girl came on the train with an attractive friend and sat down. No problems there right? The thing is that the girl was more than above average in looks and the attractive friend was her ass. Again no problems there right? Wrong! Unfortunately two nubians took it upon themselves to start on the girl just because she was getting attention from virtually the whole train (apart from me, 'cause you know I was tryna search for a track on my ipod..ahem). Now I throw the word "hating" around loosely at friends as a joke but this my friends was full on hating!! They started complaining that her bag was on their feet when she was diagonally across the carriage from them. WTF!?! When she replied back, I was surprised to hear a little "ghetto" in her, needless to say the girls were too and they started berating her with wankster and black wannabe statements etc etc. Sigh...this is young teenage talk from grown ass women!!
Before it got physical a couple people stepped in (both men, obviously) and it calmed down after the girl got off at her stop. I was just shaking my head at the other two girls who continued dissing her skin tone and one said "Why you tryna take our mans for, stick to your own". The mixture of the bad vocab and stupdity of the statement sent me into a frenzy of laughter. Is this what we continue to come to? We can all live together as long as we stay in our own lanes, cultures and races? Sad Sad. I dont blame them fully though, I blame the concept that is Stereotypes. Stereotypes are the real reason behind racism. Everyone's been brought up to believe things are a certain way so they are blind to these levels of diversity and change...its true.

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5:54 PM
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Labels: Thought Of The Day
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Quick Question
Gotta love work; instead of reaching company deadlines we found ourselves enthralled in a debate over the theory surrounding the 2 for one deal. As usual there was a divide and difference of opinion between the male and female contingent, we argued for hours and now the debate is over nothing has been concluded so Im bringing this question out in the open. Is it really that wrong for the male to use a 2 for 1 voucher/coupon to pay for dinner on any date let alone the first? Now I know from the get-go that sounds amazingly cheap and wrong (and funny) but think about it, if you're out on a date and the option arises to get whatever it is you require for half price so to speak then wouldnt you expect to take it? Some call it cheap (the girls) but realistically it's just being resourceful...right? Let me know your thoughts please!
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10:54 PM
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Labels: Absolute Randomness
Monday, February 16, 2009
I know, I know I've been slacking hard on the scriptwriting front; it's not my fault, too much to do. I've written ahead this time and have most of the story in front of me. So for my week's of procrastination Im gonna post Part 20-24 THIS SUNDAY!!! That is a legitimate promise. There are 25 parts to this story so the next 5 parts are gonna be special, just stay tuned. Q & A will be scheduled the week after if you have queries on any plots, potholes, characters in the story. So This Sunday, Feb 22nd!!
Be Easy
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12:04 AM
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Labels: Script
Friday, February 13, 2009
Friday Means Throwback!
Friday definitely means throwback but I had to choose another post millenium track just for the fact that this song takes me back, memories, memories, memories. They always say that people want what they cant have, but what if you can have it but are forced not to?......Me and another girl was seeing our partners respectively but KNEW we were both feeling each other, the looks and the dialogue was enough for us to realise it but we kept quiet. Its not a good predicament to be in trust me; homewrecker is not something you want on your CV so I managed to stay clear but you always wonder what if? with those situations. Hmmm. Anyway Enjoy!
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10:14 AM
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Labels: Music Video, Throwback
Thursday, February 12, 2009
A Valentine's Compilation
February 14th to me is just a saturday but I wont shy away from the fact that it's a special day for the ladies. It's that fake holiday with a positive message where men show their more sensitive side and women lap up the presents, love and commitment showed to them by a signifcant other. Yes Valentines Day is here to stay and even as a singleton we're just as much affected by this event as couples. According to cards and text messages I have 7 secret admirers (altogether now "woooo") which I take on with the humility and modesty of Kanye West...kidding . Only problem is that they're secret admirers so how do I exactly act on it when I dont know where they came from? I call the numbers but no response; its a fun game...for now. Didnt we stop that at the teeange stage? Nonetheless I won't be taking "Miss Right" out this weekend as I have a birthday to attend (hopefully one that will include a string of singletons). My friend asked me to make a playlist for them, which only means they want something that will guarantee them action so I went through my collection and came up with three lists, burned them to CDs and sent them to his address. They're alright. The First Playlist is below. What do you think?
PS: - I endorse AND promote safe sex and if you decide to add these on your own playlist you WILL guarantee yourself action, so use protection!!!
112 - Sweet Love
Ginuwine - So Anxious
Adina Howard - ButtNaked
Floetry - Say Yes
Floetry - Getting Late
R.Kelly - Seems Like You're Ready
Silk - Meeting In My Bedroom
H-Town - Knockin the Boots
Jodeci - My Heart Belongs to You
Faith Evans - Soon As I Get Home
SWV - All Night Long
Joe - All The Things
R.Kelly - Sex Me
Tank - I Deservee
Ne-Yo - Say It
Tweet - My Place
Ghetto Romeo & Sassey - I Just Wanna Kiss You
R.Kelly - The Greatest Sex
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5:51 PM
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Labels: A Blogger's Blog, My Wider Perspective
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
J Dilla - Greatest Producer

The list of classic productions is endless, I cant even go through all of them but check here for his discography. My playlist on the right hand side sports a large percentage of J.Dilla's work and no doubt I will add more in fture. Q-Tip, Slum Village, The Roots, Erykah Badu, Common, De la Soul and Pharcyde to name a few are some of the name's he worked with and it was only after his untimely death in 2006 on this day that people began to realise his influence in music. Sometimes I wish he was able to take himself more mainstream just for the world to understand how great a producer he was, then again his behind the secnes and underground status is what made him a special entity in the first place. I salute J Dilla as one of the, if not thee greatest producer of all time.
"Music is the one incorporeal entrance into the higher world of knowledge which comprehends mankind but which mankind cannot comprehend"
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5:43 PM
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Labels: A Blogger's Blog, My Wider Perspective, Neo-Soul
Electric Relaxation

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